Our Advisory Board
The Goldenrod Foundation’s Advisory Board is comprised of local, national and international experts, who provide guidance and support to the Foundation in the areas of Science, Education, Advocacy and Communication. Areas of expertise include the biology and ecology of beach nesting birds, migratory shorebirds, barrier beaches and other coastal species and habitats. Advisory Board Members contribute knowledge and perspective, and are a critical resource to the Executive Director and to the Goldenrod Foundation. |

Gregory A. Berman, PG, GISP is a coastal processes specialist for Woods Hole Sea Grant (WHSG) and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension (CCCE) where he provides technical assistance on coastal geology topics: shoreline change, erosion control alternatives, potential effects of various human activities on coastal landforms, coastal flood plains, coastal hazards, hazard mitigation analyses, and dune restoration techniques. On-site visits typically address site-specific coastal processes/hazards, which are followed with unbiased, written technical alternatives analyses. He joined WHSG and CCCE after five years with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) where he worked on a variety of government projects focusing on environmental assessments and shoreline stabilization. This was preceded by six years with United States Geological Survey (USGS) offices in Florida and Hawaii where he performed analysis of coastal geology, habitat, and hydrology. He has over fifteen years of diverse experience with surveying, interpreting, and reporting on coastal geology. He has also regularly provided assistance in local coastal restoration projects organized by environmental non-profit organizations and worked with a wide spectrum of volunteers. |
Shawn Carey is a photographer who has studied birds for nearly 25 years. In 1994, he and good friend, Jim Grady, started Migration Productions, which offers the finest quality bird and wildlife programs with stunning photographs, video, sound tracks, and interviews with many people involved with bird watching and natural history topics. Migration Productions has presented at the Mass. Audubon, ABA, Manomet, HMANA, Eastern Mass Hawk Watch, Waterbird Society and many local bird clubs. Shawn's photos have been published in the Boston Globe, New York Times, Mass Audubon Sanctuary magazine, Science magazine, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary magazine, and many others over the last 10+ years. In 1997, he started teaching bird photography workshops for the Massachusetts Audubon, and has taught at Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay for their summer field school program the past five years. He is the past President and current Vice President of Eastern Mass Hawk Watch, serves on the Advisory Board for the Massachusetts Audubon Society and on the Advisory Board for the Mass Audubon Visual Arts Center. |
Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of wildlife at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He has worked as a seasonal Piping Plover and Least Tern monitor for Mass Audubon and as a biological technician at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, where he assisted with the development of a Web-based database on contaminant accumulation in estuarine terrestrial wildlife, as well as field and laboratory toxicology studies focusing on Osprey and Black-Crowned Night Herons. For the past 10 years Jonathan has conducted research at Virginia Tech on factors limiting Piping Plover nesting density and productivity on Long Island, New York and has studied the wintering ecology of Piping Plovers, migration stopover ecology of Red Knots, and conducted an NRDA study of the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Piping Plovers. Jonathan has consulted on projects including nonbreeding ecology of Piping Plovers in South Carolina, annual survival of Piping Plovers nesting in prairie Canada, disturbance to beach nesting birds on the Florida panhandle, and development of management protocols for threatened and endangered species at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. |
Bob Dwyer is President and Executive Director of the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster. Dwyer has been successful in sustaining the museum’s reputation as one of the finest natural history museums in New England in its focus on salt marshes, the shoreline, seabirds and other related ecosystems. Dwyer, educated at Harvard and Northeastern University, has served in the past as Director of Educational Programming at the University of Massachusetts and as a media and Internet consultant, and has written for numerous academic journals, in addition to presentations at numerous seminars and conferences. He has served as a trustee of the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School, Coast Guard Heritage Museum, the Cape Cod Technology Council, the Cape and Islands Boy Scouts and is a past member of the Duxbury Historical Commission. He has been the recipient of conservation trust and community service awards. |
Brian Harrington has been a biologist with the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences since 1971, and now is ‘aboard’ on emeritus status. During his tenure, most of his work focused on shorebirds and their migrations, and especially on conservation issues associated with the long-hop migration strategies that many shorebirds employ. His research has been conducted throughout North and South America. One species he has especially focused on is the Red Knot, chosen because it illustrates many of the conservation issues he has documented. Much of this work is described in a popular book, “The Flight of the Red Knot” (WW Norton Co., publisher) authored in 1996. Since retirement, Brian has continued his work with Red Knots with a focus on Massachusetts; served as an advisor to the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network; has trained professional wildlife managers throughout North America in methods of wetland management for shorebirds and waterfowl; and is a coordinator of the International Shorebird Surveys, a project that has enlisted more than 1,000 volunteers to collect counts of shorebirds throughout North and South America. |
Rebecca Harris, Ph.D., is an associate with Sanford Cohen & Associates, and environmental consulting firm. From 2006 to 2011 she was the director of Mass Audubon’s Coastal Waterbird Program. In her role at Mass Audubon, Rebecca oversaw the monitoring, management, and protection of threatened beach-nesting birds and their habitats at more than 100 sites throughout southeastern Massachusetts. She holds an adjunct faculty position at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in the Center for Conservation Medicine. She worked for the National Audubon Society Seabird Restoration Project (Project Puffin) on islands off the coast of Maine for three years, and her combined experience on Atlantic coast seabirds, shorebirds, and terns spans 12 years. She has been awarded and managed more than $2 million in federal, state, municipal, private, and foundation contracts and grants, is finishing a three-year term on the international Waterbird Society Council, and has served on the board of the New England Society for Conservation Biology. |
Elizabeth P. Mallory, Ph.D. is a former senior scientist at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, where for 22 years she worked on a variety of projects, including shorebird foraging ecology and migration. Elizabeth began her career with the aforementioned Brian Harrington in the Plymouth-Kingston-Duxbury tidal flats in Massachusetts. For several years, she worked with students in Manomet’s former Field Biology Training Program on territoriality of Semipalmated Plovers during their migration stopover on the beaches of Manomet. She has published numerous articles and presented papers to prestigious ornithological and ecological societies around the country. Elizabeth is currently focused on Scarlet Macaws in Belize (as a volunteer for The Belize Zoo) tropical forest birds, and the decline of oak trees in Massachusetts. |
Paula Marcoux is a food historian, writer, oven-builder, farmer, archaeologist, and teacher of cooking and baking. She was the primary writer and editor for Plimoth Plantation’s Flight Path exhibit (2008-10), which featured eighty photographs of birds taken by Jim Fenton during a year-long residence at the Goldenrod Field Station on Plymouth’s Long Beach. She is a director of the Friends of Ellisville Marsh in Plymouth, where she is an enthusiastic Piping Plover monitor for the Mass Audubon Coastal Waterbird Program. |
Constance Melahoures is a retired educator/administrator from the Plymouth Public Schools. As a teacher, she was instrumental in setting up overnight outdoor education programs for her students at Camp Squanto and later Camp Wind-in the-Pines. To support wildlife and environmental issues, she has been a long-time member of Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Audubon, and the Wildlands Trust. She has traveled widely in Africa and other parts of the world to engage her dual passions of wildlife watching and photography. Some of her photographs have appeared in local area exhibits, calendars, and tourist brochures. Connie has owned a cottage on Long Beach for eleven years, but had summered there for ten years before that. She is President of the Long Beach Owners Association. Connie is also active in community affairs, having founded the Plymouth Taskforce for the Homeless, an organization dedicated to ending homelessness in Plymouth. |
Ian C. T. Nisbet, Ph.D., is President of I. C. T. Nisbet & Company, scientific consultants, located in Falmouth, MA. He has studied Common and Roseate Terns in Massachusetts, primarily in Buzzards Bay, since 1970. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers on terns and other seabirds, including gulls and penguins. His recent work has focused on known-aged terns, including physiological studies of very old birds that show no signs of aging. He is a member of the Recovery Team for the endangered Northeastern population of the Roseate Tern. He was President of the Waterbird Society in 1998-2000 and received the society’s Robert Cushman Murphy Award for Distinguished Lifetime Research in 2006. He was formerly Director of Science at the Massachusetts Audubon Society (1975-1980). He has served as a consultant to many government agencies, non-governmental organizations and private organizations, and is currently consulting on issues related to offshore wind turbines, oil pollution and toxic chemicals. |
William Sargent is a science writer and past director of The Coastlines Project in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, the New England Biolabs Foundation, the Associated Scientists at Woods Hole and is currently working on coastal issues with a grant from the Sounds Conservancy of the Quebec-Labrador Foundation. He has been an originator and consultant on several NOVA programs on PBS. Most of his books investigate coastal issues, including “Shallow Waters; A Year on Cape Cod’s Pleasant Bay,” winner of the Boston Globe’s Winship award, and “Crab Wars; A Tale of Horseshoe Crabs, Bioterrorism and Human Health.” His recent books have investigated the ecological and human dimensions of sea level rise. They include, “Storm Surge,” “Just Seconds From the Ocean” and “Sea Level Rise, The Chatham Story. |
Scott W. Shumway, Ph.D., is professor of biology at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, where he teaches courses in botany, marine biology, environmental science, and tropical ecology. He has conducted research on coastal salt marsh and sand dune plant communities. Scott is the author of “Naturalist’s Guide to the Atlantic Seashore: Beach Ecology from the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras.” He is a past member of the Westborough Conservation Commission and Open Space Committee, and currently serves on the board of directors of the Westborough Community Land Trust. |
Cary Wolinsky is a news and magazine photographer, who started working for The Boston Globe in 1968. Since 1972, he has freelanced for Natural History, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Newsweek, and International Wildlife. Cary’s photographs have been licensed for advertising and editorial use in hundreds of publications throughout the world. His photographic prints have been exhibited and acquired by museums and private collections in the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. He co-founded and has been active in the several editorial, educational, and arts initiatives including Picture Network International (now Jupiter Images), an online photography database system, and co-founded the Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University (cdiabu.com), TRIIIBE (an artists collaborative-triiibe.com), Trillium Studios (a photography, design and film company-trilliumstudios.com), and Pixboomba (a Web site designed to help people make better photographs-pixboomba.com). |
Margo Zdravkovic is the co-founder and president of Conservian, a non-profit organization dedicated to Earth conservation, including its field-based Coastal Bird Conservation (CBC) Program. The CBC is dedicated to research, monitoring, and protection of coastal birds and their habitats throughout the Western Hemisphere. Since 1995, Margo has directed research and conservation work on plovers, terns, oystercatchers, skimmers, and migratory shorebirds in Massachusetts, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Bahamas. Margo serves on the Snowy Plover and American Oystercatcher Working Groups, and is the author of numerous papers and reports concerning beach-nesting birds on the Gulf of Mexico, including the “Wilson’s Plover (Charadrius wilsonia) range-wide species conservation action plan for the Western Hemisphere, to be published by Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. Partly in response to the BP oil disaster, she is presently co-authoring on an Assessment and Best Practices Manual for the Gulf of Mexico coast. She is also an accomplished photographer and artist. |