Other organizations working on conservation of coastal habitat and protection of shorebirds locally, nationally and internationally include:
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
The mission of the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History is to inspire appreciation, understanding and stewardship of our natural environment through discovery and learning. The Museum operates a nature center, education programs, and is steward to 400 acres of conservation land.

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies
The Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies conducts scientific research on marine mammals of the western North Atlantic and on the coastal and marine habitats and resources of the Gulf of Maine. The Center promotes stewardship of coastal and marine ecosystems, and provides educational resources that encourage conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems.

Coastal Waterbird Program
The CWP’s primary focus is monitoring and protecting the most threatened species of nesting birds on the Massachusetts coastline. The program advocates for protecting the entire ecosystem, including coastal beaches, salt marshes, and tidelands, which serve as habitats to 49 species of breeding birds and 112 species of migratory or wintering birds.
 Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)
The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network ,WHSRN, was launched in 1985 to conserve shorebirds and their habitats through a network of key sites across the Americas.
 Important Bird Area (IBA)
The IBA identifies key sites in Massachusetts that provide essential habitat to one or more species of breeding, wintering, and/or migrating birds. Plymouth and Duxbury Bays are an Important Bird Area.
 ShoreBird World
Shorebird World promotes understanding of the natural history of shorebirds, conservation challenges they face throughout their migratory ranges, and international research and conservation efforts to help ensure their survival.
 Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
Manomet’s mission is to conserve natural resources for the benefit of wildlife and human populations. Through research and collaboration, Manomet builds science-based, cooperative solutions to environmental problems.
 Mass Wildlife: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Natural Heritage & Endangered Species
MassWildlife coordinates statewide conservation efforts and monitoring programs, compiles and disseminate census data, restores and protects important coastal nesting sites, provides technical assistance to landowners and other cooperators, and uses regulatory tools to help protect breeding populations of state-protected rare species and their habitats.
 U.S. Fish & Wildlife
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency charged with protecting and enhancing the populations and habitat of more than 800 species of birds, including the endangered piping plover. The agency developed guidelines to help prevent the mortality or harassment of piping plovers, their eggs, and chicks on recreational beaches, and beaches where vehicles are permitted.